This past weekend was 80 degrees at the west coast. Then the weather dropped to about 60 degrees. Brrrrrr. So time to make a hat.
I was browsing at "Make it and Love It" where she had this easy tutorial on how to turn an old sweater into a hat. She has made a few, and they are so cute. Find her tutorial here. Hers are much better than mine, but here's what I did on the first try.
I pulled out a sweater from the donate bag and cut out the shape. I cut both sides at the same time so they were even:
Then, right sides facing each other, I used the sewing machine to sew them together, leaving the opening for the head.
I turned it right side out and hand stitched rosettes I formed from some strips of the sweater.
Sew, it wasn't too hard, and it didn't cost anything. The hardest part was making the rounded shape of the beanie just right. I did do some extra trimming and sewing to have a better fit.
This is a great way to upcycle those stretched out, or shrunken sweaters for use on a 60 degree day.
THANK YOU. Great idea for all ages and sizes